Participate actively

We are happy that you decided to actively help our campaing “Donate Glasses – Gift Sight”.

Our photo and information material, name and logo can be downloaded for free for local glasses collections. Either to be printed at home or professionally at a local copyshop.

For supraregional or nationwide campaigns prior written consent by BrillenWeltweit (DKBW) is required for the use of photo and information material, name and logo.

Copyshops may be able to help with inserting your company or associations' logo.

To stabilize the poster, they can be glued onto foam boards.

If you have any wishes or concerns regarding advertisment material, feel free to contact us.

If you have old glasses yourself, you may check in this list for a collection point near you >>

Glasses-Collection boxes made out of Cardboard

You can order the cardbord collection boxes when registering as a glasses collection point.

>>> Ordering collection boxes and registering as collection point

Brillen-Sammelbox aus Karton

Collection box made out of metal – currently not available

You can also order collection boxes made out of metal.
The basic coloring and foliation can be tailored to your taste. Ask for an estimate of costs and a draft from the manufacturer.

Width approx. 30cm, depth approx. 30cm, height approx. 110cm
The box has two wheels at the bottom and a handle at the back to transport it rolling.

Price and delivery time on request (because of the currently fluctuating cost of material)

>>> Ordering collection boxes and registering as collection point

Collection box made out of metal

Shipping label (DHL)

If you have been collecting glasses in your own boxes you can simply download the parcel labels for DHL, where you can fill out senders' details on the computer. To label your boxes you need to print only the first page. Print, cut out and you are good to go!
(Page two contains general information, measures ans weights.) No free shipping!

For other shipping providers, please use the parcel labels provided on their web pages, thank you!

>>> Download parcel label

DHL shipping label

Posters A5 to A2

To advertise your engagement for Brillen WeltWeit we have prepared two different posters for you. You can download them in different formats and print them out yourself.

Dowload of the PDF in different end formats:

If the PDFs open in a browser window, they can alternatively be downloaded as a ZIP file.
Posters in the final format are made for conventional printers. Posters with crop marks are usually just used in print shops.

Download Zip PDFs in final format:

Download Zip PDFs with crop marks:

Poster Eye

Poster Child

Posters A5 to A2 with space for your logo

The same poster motifs are available with space for your companys' logo.

Download PDFs in final format:

If the PDFs open in a browser window, they can alternatively be downloaded as a ZIP file. Posters in the final format are made for conventional printers. Posters with crop marks are usually just used in print shops.

Dowload Zip PDFs in final format:

Download Zip PDFs with cut marks:

Poster Eye

Poster Child

Flyers with and without space for your logo

Participate actively

Flyers with and without space for your logo

Foldable flyer “DIN lang” (6-pages, winding seam, open: 297x210mm, closed: 100x210mm)

Download PDFs in final format and for screen resolution:

Download PDFs in final format and printing quality:
Posters in the final format can be printed by conventional printers. Posters with cut marks are usually only used by print shops. If the PDFs open in a browser window you can alternatively download them as ZIP file.

Download PDFs with cut marks:

  • Flyer without logo space PDF | ZIP
  • Flyer with logo space PDF | ZIP

Flyer without logo

Flyer with logo

Logo “BrillenWeltweit”

Do you need our logo for print media or a link to our webpage or information for press releases etc.? Please feel free to use the following templates, available as pixel or vector graphics. Black-and-white, bicolour or – the best version – all in color. Here you may find what you need.

>>> Download Logo BrillenWeltweit

Three logo versions

Do it yourself – Counter displays

Please print the file using A4 paper and follow the instruction on the bottom of the page. Easy as that!

>>> Download counter displays

Counter display

Slide-in counter displays DIN A4, A5, A6

If you already have a counter display and want to use ist for this campaign you may use this file in the formats A4, A5, A6, all in the following PDF. Simply print what you need.

>>> Download counter display slot DIN A4, A5, A6

Counter display